The way we use our voices is very important. What we say affects not only our own selves but affects all those around us. We attract what we put out in the world and, for this reason, it is important to be mindful of the words in which we say and to try to think in a positive manner. I feel that the main way in which this can be done is by stepping back and looking at the situation at hand from a broad perspective. When doing this it is important to not only look at the situation from your own point of view but as well consider the views of others that could be totally contrary to your own. There are many people in the world; we all perceive situations differently. I feel having respect and being aware of views other than your own is very prominent in being able to use your voice in the best way possible allowing for a clearer state of mind.
To me, using my voice in a positive way does not mean that I never talk or think about occurring issues. To me speaking in a positive way means using my voice in a way that helps myself and others. For example, if I am slacking off a bit or something of that nature, bringing this to my own awareness is not a negative thing. It only becomes negative when you get down on yourself about it, like calling yourself lazy and focusing on all the time wasted. That only results in more time wasted. This example is very basic but can be used in almost any event. I personally feel that everything can be made positive if it is done consciously, and everything can be made negative if it is done compulsively. I think that this concept is really one of the most important lessons I have ever learned, and am still learning. Our thoughts and voices in many ways rule our lives, so we should try our hardest to make it in a positive way.
You will not always speak and think in a positive manner. I for sure do not. I feel that as long as you are aware of your thoughts and your voice, with time your mindset will become more positive. At least this is what I have experienced. Being aware of what I say and think and truly wanting to make a positive life for myself and those around me has allowed me to understand that what you think is what you become.
Having negative thoughts will attract more negative thoughts. Having positive thoughts will attract more positive thoughts. Now I know its not always that simple, but in some ways it truly is. You will not always be able to be positive, but you can always try your best to be aware.